Islamic Religious Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Curriculum Analysis Approach




Confessional Religious Education (CRE), Islamic Religious Education (IRE), curriculum analysis, Bosnia and Herzegovina


This paper analyses the case of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, examining its historical development and current trends within a unique socio-political and educational framework. By employing a curriculum analysis model, the paper identifies the specific circumstances that have shaped the curricular characteristics of IRE in this country. The findings reveal that IRE in Bosnia and Herzegovina has evolved through a dynamic interplay across various systemic levels, from macro to micro, culminating in a model of education that mirrors the country’s political, societal, and educational cultures. It is identified that the most intensive debates were held in the domain of IRE’s legal status, parallel to which a professional discourse on didactical arrangements, education programs and textbooks, teacher education and professionalization was carried out, although not in the same intensity.


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