The discussion on denominational cooperative religious education
Conclusion and outlook
The article summarizes the contributions to the special issue of the RpB on cooperative religious education. It is shown that both its concrete form and its spectrum of goals and content vary greatly from federal state to federal state. The religious education reflection on the model is hardly accompanied by reflection on practice. There also seems to be a clear imbalance between the spread of denominational cooperation in schools and the anchoring of this concept in training and further education. In view of the demographic changes, the question arises as to whether denominational cooperation should not be extended to other religions, especially since many theological and didactic questions still need to be answered here.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ulrich Riegel, Reinhold Boschki, Friedrich Schweitzer, Fahimah Ulfat
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.