No escape from powerful differentiation?!

Othering in Religious Education Research


  • Bettina Brandstetter Private Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Linz



religious Othering, interreligious teamteaching, governmentality, scientific criticism, discourse sensitivity


Postcolonial structures, discourses and practices are deeply embedded in modern societies. The construction of “social others” still proves to be constitutive for the self-conception of Western European societies. Therefore, binary thinking and othering processes are inherent to them. Currently, religious othering is on the rise and applied to migrants from Muslim-influenced countries. Despite the fact, that interreligious educational initiatives seek to counteract binary coding and labelling, they simultaneously reify religious difference.  In other words, research of religious othering is not neutral, but takes place in the discursive spaces of the current religious pedagogy, in which professionalism is reconstructed and measured.  The article examines religious othering in the production of religious pedagogical knowledge and its representation in research on Christian-Islamic team-teaching. In sum, the complexity of the discursive space of interreligious educational processes and the necessity of discourse-sensitivity in order to avoid religious othering in one’s own research become apparent.


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