The "Digital Teaching House for Protestant Religious Education" in teacher training
Digital religious education, Dialogue, inter-religious learning, E-Learning, culture of dialogue, religious teachers, university education of teacherAbstract
Digitality opens up new ways of learning about and from religion in religious education. Since religious education teachers are central actors in the creation and use of digital learning paths, it is necessary that they come into contact with them already in the university phase, try them out and reflect on them from a didactic perspective. The article reports on the use of the Digital Teaching House for Protestant religious education in teacher training. This Teaching House is an interactive digital learning environment to promote the interreligious dialogue competence of pupils for use in religious education at secondary level. It is a virtual meeting house based on a culture of dialogue, in which learners can discover figures, spaces and content for interreligious dialogue in a self-directed way. On the other hand, they are guided to theologise and write dialogue through tasks and dialogue videos. The article presents theoretical backgrounds, concrete implementations and students' reflections on their learning experiences.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Julia Bradtke, Michael Fricke
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